1. User Data APIs
These can be used to get following information:
List of users who have signed up to participate in research and wear Spire Health Tag devices
User's personal information such as email, date of birth, gender, height, weight, etc. (If your study's Institutional Board requires user data to be anonymized, you may have to come up with specific rules around email, date of birth, etc. Please contact your Spire Health Sales Associate to discuss guidelines.)
User's self-defined sleep and activity goals
User's baseline physiological data (for example, baseline respiratory rate and heart rate)
See User Data section below to see specific details on User APIs
2. Timeseries Data APIs
There are 2 types of timeseries data available through APIs:
Processed physiological timeseries data - this includes respiratory rate, heart rate, sleep, stress, and activity data. This data is sampled every 15 seconds (i.e. a row every 15 seconds).
Unprocessed raw sensor data - this includes unprocessed sensor data from Spire Health Tag sensors. This data is not available by default. If your research requires this data, please contact your Spire Health Sales Associate to enable this function. Unprocessed raw sensor data is sampled 25 Hz (i.e. 25 samples every second).
See Timeseries Data section below to see specific details on Timeseries Data APIs.
3. Compliance Data APIs
Compliance Data APIs are used to get following compliance-related data:
Device Compliance - this indicates whether a device pack has been paired or not. For example, you may have given Health Tags to participants, but participants may not have installed the mobile app and paired their devices correctly.
User Compliance - this indicates how many hours of data have been captured on a given day. For example, data may not come through if the participant is not wearing Health Tags for the required duration.
See Compliance Data section below to get more specific details on Compliance Data APIs.