With start time and end time as input, this API returns the unprocessed sensor data from Spire Health Tag sensors (Force sensor, Accelerometer, Touch sensor and PPG sensor) . Since this API can result in a very large amount of data, this API works in 2 steps -
Step 1 :- With first API request, API saves the data in a file inside secured Spire Health cloud. It returns URL of the file to download the data.
Step 2 :- Using URL of the file returned, download the data in CSV format.

Note that this data is not available by default. If you require unprocessed sensor data, reach out to Spire Health Sales team to get it enabled.


This API requires API Access Token available at the Research portal. Set this up as HTTP header before calling the API.

Response format

Unprocessed raw sensor data is sampled 25 Hz (i.e. 25 rows every second). Since this API may result in a very large amount of data, this API works in following steps -

  1. Once API is called, unprocessed sensor time series data is generated and stored as a gzip file (gzip of a CSV file) inside secured Spire Health cloud.
  2. API returns URL of the gzip file in JSON format.
  3. Since raw unprocessed data file can be large, it may take some time to prepare the raw data file. Once you receive the URL, it's recommended that you wait for 60 seconds before sending the request to download the file (note that the delay is built into the code sample below).
  4. Use the URL to download the data on your computer or to a storage system.
  5. In order to use the data in your program, unzip the file into a CSV format and use it inside your program (see the code sample below for details)
  6. Here is how CSV file for unprocessed sensor data will look like -
Response CodeDescription
200Successful Operation
400Error messages for invalid input parameters. For example -
Only upto 24 hours of data is allowed in a single call. Please adjust start and stop time accordingly
User with email doesn't exist or not authorized!
401Access token is missing or invalid
403Not a valid key value pair in Authorization header
404The requested API could not be found. Please review your URL
429Too many requests hit the API too quickly

Output Data

Output data is a time series with 25 data samples returned every second. Here is the format of data -

Field NameTypeDescription
user_idIntegerUnique ID to identify a user
device_idStringSpire Health wearable device that captured the data
timedate-timeLocal date & time where data was captured
time_zoneStringTimezone in which data was captured. For example - 'America/Chicago','Australia/Brisbane','Europe/Stockholm'. More detailed list available at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
forceIntegerData from Force Sensor
x_accelIntegerAccelerometer X-axis value
y_accelIntegerAccelerometer Y-axis value
z_accelIntegerAccelerometer Z-axis value
ppgIntegerData from PPG sensor
proximityIntegerData from Touch sensor

Program samples to test out API

Use the program samples below to test out APIs with your own research data -


Program below will return a URL for gzip file. Use that URL to download gzip file. Then, unzip to get CSV file with phsyiological timeseries data.

curl -X GET \
  'https://research-api.spire.io/v1/unprocessed_sensor_timeseries?start_time=2019-02-01%2000:00:00&stop_time=2019-02-01%2023:59:59&[email protected]' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer 284e8f3320a8500c58ea5b8e7829bdd676ea941bb573bb250d51c0b82f68e19d' 


Python program sample below has steps to download unprocessed raw sensor data in CSV format.

import requests
import pandas as pd
from http import HTTPStatus
import time
import os

### File name to download gzip file
output_file_name = "unprocessed_sensor_data.gz"

### Get the URL for phsyiological timeseries data gzip file 
headers = {'Authorization': str('284e8f3320a8500c58ea5b8e7829bdd676ea941bb573bb250d51c0b82f68e19d'), 'Content-type': 'application/json'}
params = {'start_time': '2019-02-27 00:00:00', 'stop_time': '2019-02-27 23:59:59', 'email': '[email protected]'}
response_with_url = requests.get(f'https://research-api.spire.io/v1/unprocessed_sensor_timeseries', params=params, headers=headers)

if response_with_url.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
    unprocessed_sensor_data_url = response_with_url.json()['url']
        ### Download the gzip file 
        gzip_file = requests.get(url=unprocessed_sensor_data_url, stream=True)
        if gzip_file.status_code == 404:
            print ("Delaying by 60 seconds more to download " + output_file_name)
            gzip_file = requests.get(url=unprocessed_sensor_data_url, stream=True)
        print ("Exception got triggered for " + output_file_name)
        gzip_file = requests.get(url=unprocessed_sensor_data_url, stream=True)
    if gzip_file.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
        ### Store the file on the local file system
        with open(output_file_name, 'wb') as gf:
            for chunk in gzip_file.iter_content(chunk_size=65536):
        print ("Returned status code is: " + str(gzip_file.status_code))
        print (gzip_file.text)
    print ("Returned status code is: " + str(response_with_url.status_code))
    print (response_with_url.text)

### Read the file into Pandas Dataframe
if os.path.isfile(output_file_name):
    raw_data = pd.read_csv(output_file_name,compression='gzip')
    print (raw_data.shape)